The Consecrated Life
on July 22nd, 2024
Summary of the MessageGod has been abundantly merciful to us through the grace he has extended to us by his Son. That mercy includes his justifying us when we were guilty, empowering us to be freed from bondage when we were sinful, and promising us that he will use all things in our lives as expressions of those abundant mercies. Therefore, let us consecrate our lives fully to him. Key Sermon Poin...  Read More
A Discerning Heart May Be More Important Than You Think
on July 14th, 2024
Summary of the MessageThe reality of the judgment is something every Christian should be mindful of, and all ofChristian ministry is intended to prepare us for that day. In our passage, Paul prays for his Philippian readers to be ready for that by developing discernment or the ability to practically approve spiritual excellence. Key Sermon Points1. Paul prays for abundant loveWe should recall that...  Read More
First, We Need Spiritual Eyesight
on July 7th, 2024
Summary of the MessageDespite the good faculties God has given human beings as his image bearers, human giftedness and wisdom are not sufficient faculties for understanding God's values and aims in this world. We can only adequately understand the gospel and its implications for us through the enlightening and teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. Key Sermon Points1. The gospel and spiritual truth...  Read More
From Peace to Praise
on July 1st, 2024
Summary of the MessageThe key to being a transformational church is having a gospel culture that is grounded in the priority of peace that leads to expressions of praise and gratitude. This requires decisive work, but when the church fruitfully pursues peace and allows the gospel to set the agenda for its fellowship, it will be a light that leads people to Jesus and their trusting in him. Key Serm...  Read More
Yes, You Can Defeat Sin
on June 17th, 2024
Summary of the MessageDespite the common experience of Christians struggling with sin, we are assured by God's word that we can practically defeat sin. That doesn't mean that we will be sinless, but by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, sin can be weakened and utterly put to death in the life of the Christian. Key Sermon Points1. My being raised with Christ does not eradicate my earthly na...  Read More
No More Business As Usual
on June 10th, 2024
Summary of the MessageIf we are going to move beyond spiritual mediocrity, we must take the essential step of "cleaning house" in our lives, those things which detract from the Lord's preeminent place. As we make those necessary changes, we begin to experience spiritual flourishing. Key Sermon PointsPreliminary Point:  Spiritual mediocrity is normal, but it is not normative1. God's word disrupts t...  Read More
Sacred Solitude
on May 27th, 2024
Summary of the MessageThough spiritual community and relationships are essential to our spiritual growth, we need to cultivate our direct and personal reliance on the Lord through the practice of solitude. God is calling us into a quiet and restful relationship with him, which is how we gain increased confidence in his ability to deliver us from the many things that threaten our faith and our live...  Read More
Humility Through Bodily Means
on May 20th, 2024
Summary of the MessageFasting is a spiritual discipline characterized by self-denial and serious God-centered devotion. When seeking God, it is either 1) used to cultivate humility or 2) performed organically out of an inner state of lowliness and/or godly sorrow. It is, all at once, a tool, a response, and a sign, that reinforces our ongoing reliance on God. Key Sermon Points1. Fasting is a form ...  Read More
You Are What You Think
on May 13th, 2024
Summary of the MessageSpiritual Disciplines are not about creating a lot of do’s and don’ts. In our text, we explore the space that speaks to the mental stream or thought life of the believer. God enables the Christian not only to flourish, but to be an actionable witness to the world. Let us consider the exhortation of Paul from our passage as a reminder and encouragement that when we set our min...  Read More
His Presence in Prayer
on May 7th, 2024
Summary of the MessageDespite having ample evidence and knowledge of the power of prayer available to us as believers, why do so many of us fall short of the prayer life that God wants to have with us? David's declaration in Psalm 27:4 can be instructive here when he reveals that there is one thing that he desires above everything else: to dwell in the house of the Lord forever, gazing upon his be...  Read More
Deliverance Prayer
on April 29th, 2024
Summary of the MessageIt is normal for followers of Christ to find themselves in difficult circumstances, but it is also normal for God to deliver them out of those circumstances. Biblically we see this is one of the ways he proves his commitment to his people. Earnest prayer is his prescribed way of unleashing his deliverance presence and power. Key Sermon PointsThe church that earnestly prayers ...  Read More
on April 22nd, 2024
Summary of the MessageThough anxiety is a common problem, it is also a soul-threatening problem. The Lord does not intend for us to be bound up in excessive and debilitating worry. His prescription for anxiety is prayer. Prayer in anticipation of our being heard and answered - prayer that is a spiritual balm to the heart and mind. Key Sermon Points1. Jesus is calling you out of worry:Since anxiety...  Read More